
Devon County Veteran Ladies Golf Association

Saunton Golf Club



1. The Association shall be known as:

Devon County Veteran Ladies Golf Association (DCVLGA)

2. Objectives

To facilitate and organise golf competitions for participation by members of the

3. Membership of the DCVLGA

3.1. Members shall be Home Club lady members of any club affiliated to Devon Golf, or members of England Golf iGolf who are resident in Devon.
3.2. Members shall have attained the age of 60 or above.
3.3. Members shall have paid the annual membership fee as determined by the Committee.

4. Officers and Members of the Committee

The officers of the DCVLGA Committee shall be:

4.1. Captain
4.1.1. Shall be elected to serve for one year.
4.1.2. At the end of the Captaincy, as immediate past Captain, she may attend
committee meetings during the following year, ex officio
4.1.3. The position is automatically filled by the previous year’s Vice Captain.
4.1.4. The Captaincy is rotated each year between the four County areas.
4.2. Vice Captain
4.2.1. The Committee is responsible for selection from nominations received.
4.2.2. Shall be elected for one year and be prepared to take over the Captaincy
when the serving Captain has completed her year in office.
4.3. Clerical Secretary
4.3.1. The Committee is responsible for selection from nominations received.
4.3.2. Shall be elected to serve for three years.
4.4. Competition Secretary
4.4.1. The Committee is responsible for selection from nominations received.
4.4.2. Shall be elected to serve for three years.
4.5. Treasurer
4.5.1. The Committee is responsible for selection from nominations received.
4.5.2. Shall be elected to serve for three years.
In addition, the Committee shall include:
4.6. Area Representatives
4.6.1. There shall be an Area Representative from each of the four divisions of  the County – North/South/East/West.

4.6.2. The Committee is responsible for the selection from nominations received.
4.6.3. Shall be elected to serve for three years.

5. Committee Meetings

5.1. The Committee shall meet regularly throughout the year.
5.2. The Clerical Secretary shall give reasonable notice of each meeting of the
5.3. Matters arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be decided by a majority vote. In the case of an equality of votes, the Captain (or Chairperson on the day) shall have a casting vote.
5.4. The Area Representatives will report to their individual Club Representatives the main points of interest arising from each Committee Meeting.
5.5. The Committee has the power to co-opt new members to the Committee in the event of an emergency.
5.6. A quorum shall be four, two of whom must be Committee officers.
5.7. Details of officer vacancies to be sent to clubs requesting nominations with deadline for return of same.

6. Annual General Meeting

6.1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held early in the New Year.
6.2. All members will be eligible to attend.
6.3. Copies of the agenda and the minutes of the last AGM, together with any  proposal  for amendment to the DCVLGA Constitution, will be distributed to all clubs at least one month prior to the meeting.

7. Accounts and Reports

7.1. The financial year of the DCVLGA shall commence on 1st December.
7.2. At every AGM the Treasurer shall present the accounts of the DCVLGA, comprising
of an Income and Expenditure Account for the preceding financial year and a
Balance Sheet as at the end of November.
7.3. The Committee shall nominate a person, or persons, who shall be responsible for auditing the accounts.

8. DCVLGA Colours

These shall be navy blue trousers, skirts, skorts or shorts, pale blue polo shirt and pale blue sweatshirt.

9. Buggy Policy

9.1. Only those ladies holding a current medical certificate attesting to their inability to walk for 18 holes will be permitted to use buggies.
9.2. Playing partners without a medical certificate are not permitted to share a buggy.
9.3. Ladies using a golf buggy must abide by the regulations of the host club.

10. Complaints

Any complaint must be made in writing to the DCVLGA Secretary not more than 30 days after any alleged incident. The complaint will be put before the Committee whose decision will be deemed to be final.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.