
Devon County Veteran Ladies Golf Association

Saunton Golf Club


South West Veteran Ladies Golf Association  Annual General Meeting
Monday 23rd October 2023, 11.00 am

The Chairman welcomed all the attendees to the meeting, saying how nice it was to be able to hold the AGM with members actually attending in person, this had not happened since 2019 due to Covid.

The Attendees :-
Somerset: Jill Paul President, Kay Luckett Past President, Sue Bamping Past Captain, Jan Bishop Treasurer, Caroline Lumley- Frank, Honorary Member, Jane Harries.

Cornwall: Sue Goddard Past Captain, Sue Dicker Captain, Jill Simmons.
Dorset : Pat Ray Captain.
Devon: Stephanie Long, Captain, Lesley Singleton, Karen Cole, Jan Brown (Staddon Heights), Deirdree Mackness (East Devon).

Apologies Somerset: Ros Chidgey Captain, Carole Paterson Honorary Member, Jenny Davis, Honorary member.
Devon: Joyce Brown, Vice Captain.
Dorset: Dilys Grant, Vice- Captain.

Minutes of Last Meeting The minutes were accepted.

Proposer: Stephanie Long, Devon. Seconder: Sue Bamping, Somerset.

Matters Arising There were none.

Chairman’s Report Jill reported that it had been a busy year for Somerset after taking over from Dorset at last year’s AGM. The original date for the Spring Field Day clashed with the Coronation weekend, but Bowood kindly offered us an alternative day, so it was able to go ahead, albeit with fewer entries than usual (£36). It was a lovely sunny day; there was a good atmosphere and the staff were very helpful. 

Vicky Stevenson from Truro won the Parry Trophy and Sandra Lloyd from Newquay the VV Cup. September saw the Autumn Field Day at Stover with over 90 ladies.  The weather wasn’t good, the greens had to be mopped by the green staff and play was suspended for 40 minutes. The majority of ladies went out again in difficult conditions. The staff were friendly and helpful. The winner of the Fulford Bowl was Sue Adams of Bovey Tracey GC, while Sue Dicker of Cape Cornwall won the VV Cup.

The Field Days could not have gone ahead with- out the hard work of Carole Paterson who received entries and sorted the Start Sheet- a big job, frequent changes, requests, players dropping out. Janet Handley (SCSLGA) also provided invaluable help liaising with the Clubs and working on the Competition Days. Many thanks to both of them.

The 2 Ball Draws on the Comp Days raised £120 for the Children’s Hospice. It will be the same Charity next year so we’ll arrange a presentation after next year’s Autumn Field Day.  The Shield Matches all went ahead this year. There were a few problems along the way so there will be more detailed guidance next year. (It will be looked at later on the Agenda).

Cornwall & Devon both won two matches and halved one. Cornwall were awarded the Shield because of a better win/loss ratio of games. Since the last AGM we have held 2 Zoom meetings. They have proved to be a useful means of discussion & sharing information. I'd like to thank Kay for her hard work as Secretary & Jan who watches over the accounts so efficiently.  Jill congratulated and presented the Shield to Sue Goddard Past Captain of Cornwall.

Treasurer’s Report The accounts for the year end 30th September have been emailed and these have now been verified. We ended the year with a healthy Bank balance which provides a reserve going forward. Current Account £904.33 Deposit Account £4,078.19 The surplus for the year was £227.56 and includes £116 from the sale of vouchers which were close to their expiry date from the cancelled Field Day in 2022. Hopefully there will be no Royal events interfering with 2024 dates! We have £30 in unused vouchers left over from Stover and £130 of Golf Balls which will be used for the 2024 Field Days. The Accounts were accepted 

Proposer: Sue Bamping Somerset  Seconded: Sue Dicker

County Captain’s Reports. Dorset Report, Pat Ray, Captain 2023

Due to proximity of the Cornwall match I was only able to take 8 ladies (4Teams), the match was well played but Dorset obviously lost this match. The Somerset match was played at Wheathill & Dorset won this match. The Devon match was played at Weymouth & Dorset narrowly lost this match. Due to a lack of numbers, I was wondering if teams should be reduced to 5 teams (10 Ladies). This was rejected at the Zoom meeting on Sept: 4th

Match dates for Dorset 2024:- 

Somerset Wednesday 29th May at Bulbury Woods GC
Cornwall Monday 10th June at Weymouth GC
Devon Tuesday 20th August at Teignmouth GC

 I have emailed all the Captains for 2024 & they agree with these dates.

Cornwall Report, Sue Goddard – Captain 2023

 It has been a rewarding year in that it has given me the chance to meet, not just my golfing colleagues in Cornwall, but form Dorset, Somerset & Devon. Our first match was held at Carlyon Bay, resulting in a win for us. The weather was fantastic, company was great and the food provided excellent.The Mullion match was difficult for Pat Ray the Dorset Captain with only four pairs to play, Cornwall won all four. Despite that Pat and I have communicated on ways we can help each other. 

Our last match at Falmouth was a draw, the course had changed & was certainly not easy. The staff were excellent, & a filling two course meal revived all. It has been a privilege to be Captain of Cornwall Vets. I have met so many lovely ladies who enjoy their golf and days out. 

Match dates for Cornwall 2024

Somerset Monday 20th May at Enmore Park GC
Dorset Monday 10th June at Weymouth GC
Devon Thursday 13th June at Tavistock GC

Somerset Report, Sue Bamping Captain 2023            

Somerset was not very successful this year, but one lady did achieve a hole in one at Honiton. All those ladies who took part in the matches enjoyed the experience of playing new courses and meeting up with ladies from other counties. The weather was good at most venues except Honiton. I would like to thank the Captains of the other Counties for their support prior to the matches with doing the cards, especially when we were visitors. The format that Stephanie Long from Devon used for recording the team data was particularly good.            

Match dates for Somerset 2024

Cornwall on Monday 20th May at Enmore Park GC
Dorset on Wednesday 29th May at Bulbury Woods GC
Devon on Monday 8th July at Worlebury GC

                  Devon Report, Stephanie Long Captain 2023                                   

Devon were very pleased with their performance in the SW Shield matches, winning one home match and 1 ½  away matches. Congratulations to Cornwall for winning 2 ½ home matches and winning the Shield. I took over midyear last year and was given incorrect date and venue of the Cornwall fixture. I proposed and it was accepted that dates of fixtures should be noted at the SWVLGA AGM.  I devised a format for team matches to record match results which was adopted at last meeting and it was agreed that first division players should play in handicap order and more flexibility can be given to second division players. The team selections to be shared between captains before the match. At the last SWV Zoom meeting I became aware that Cornwall had either all matches either home or away. I have devised a format for all counties to have home and away matches each year so that home advantage is evened out.                                                                                  .

I proposed that the following format is adopted from 2025- That there is at least one away match for each county a year.                                                                                              

Cornwall Home v Dorset, Cornwall away v Somerset & Devon            

Devon Home v Somerset, Devon away v Dorset & Cornwall               

Dorset Home V Devon & Cornwall & away to Somerset                                   

Somerset Home v Dorset, Somerset away v Devon & Cornwall               

Dates for 2024 matches

Devon v Cornwall, Tavistock 13th June.
Devon v Dorset at Teignmouth 20th August.
Somerset v Devon at Worlebury 8th July.

Finally I would like to congratulate Somerset for organising the meetings & sorting out match results. 

Proposals - Stephanie Long (Devon)- Shield matches Captains should always exchange both players names and Clubs so that handicaps can be checked.           

b. Captains check handicap changes on morning of match.

C.   Players should play in ascending handicap order from lowest to highest unless this means that more than one pair of players is from the same Club.

  e. If a player is late for their tee time under rule 23.4 the match should start with one player representing their team until the other player arrives. The player may start playing on the next tee not mid tee. Extenuating circumstances may arise as to why a player is late, it is up to the discretion of Captains of the day to allow order of play to be altered.

f. Dates & venues for SW Shield matches should be stated in the Minutes of the SW Vets Golf Assoc: The above items were discussed together with the format to record match results, all agreed.

Proposed – Stephanie Long Seconded – Sue Goddard

2023 & 2024 Field Days- Field Day entries should be in 2’s, for 2024. On the day, tee times are played in fours, the aim is to mix up pairs from different counties. Next year the Spring Field Day is at Yeovil Golf Club on Thursday 9th May. The Autumn Field Day is at Weston-super-Mare Golf Club on Thursday 26th September.

10 Constitution- Proposals to be incorporated into the Constitution, this will be sent out when completed.

11 AOB- Format compiled by Stephanie Long that enables all Counties to play home & away in Shield matches for 2025, see Devon Captain’s report item 7 in Minutes.

12 Date and Venue or AGM 2024 Monday 21st October 2024 at Teignmouth Golf Club

Meeting closed at 12.05 am      

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