
Devon County Veteran Ladies Golf Association

9 Hole Event at Bovey Tracey Golf Centre

It was a very blustery morning when 39 ladies finally tee’d off in our trial 9 hole stableford competition at Bovey Tracey Golf Centre yesterday.  The good news was that the wind kept the rain at bay!  As they sat down afterwards to enjoy their delicious cake and coffee, everyone agreed that it had been a very enjoyable morning.  First with 17 points was Caroline Bond, Honiton Golf Club (and the DCVLGA Competition Secretary).  In second place OCB with 15 points was Gillian Hardy of Bovey Tracey Golf Centre, and in third place also on 15 points was Carol Wilson of Teign Valley.  Marylin Lucas of Dartmouth GC was the lucky winner of our Golf Foundation Ball Marker.


Our thanks go to Jenny Pennell and Sue Adams and the ladies of Bovey Tracey Golf Centre who volunteered to help organise this event on the day and also Bunty Bird of East Devon GC whose help on the registration desk was much appreciated.  

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